The Washington Post, 2023

LeMonde newspaper, 2023

ReVue online magazine, 2023

Helsingin Sanomat, 2023

The Washington Post, 2022

The Washington Post, 2022

The Wall Street Journal, 2022

The Wall Street Journal, 2022

The Wall Street Journal, 2022

The Guardian, 2020

The Wall Street Journal, 2021

The Washington Post, 2021

The Washington Post, 2021

EnergieWinde, 2021

NRC, 2021

The Washington Post , 2021

The Wall Street Journal, 2021

Dagens Nyheter, 2021

The Wall Street Journal, 2021

The Wall Street Journal, 2021

USA Today, 2021

L'Equipe, 2021

De Volkskrant, 2021

The Wall Street Journal, 2020

L'Equipe, 2020

The Wall Street Journal, 2020

The Washington Post, 2020

De Volkskrant, 2020

De Volkskrant, 2019
De Volkskrant, 2020

The Wall Street Journal, 2020

ABC News, 2020

The Wall Street Journal, 2020

De Volkskrant, 2020

De Volkskrant, 2016
De Volkskrant, 2016

The Globe and Mail, 2019

The Wall Street Journal, 2019

Russian Reporter magazine, 2019

The Wall Street Journal, 2019

Focus magazine, 2019

The Wall Street Journal, 2019

The Wall Street Journal, 2018

Helsingin Sanomat, 2018

Liberation, 2018

Svenska Dagbladet, 2018

Antony Bourdain / Parts Unknown, 2018

Svenska Dagbladet, 2018

The Wall Street Journal, 2018

Der Speigel, 2018

L'Equipe, 2018

Bloomberg Markets, 2017

Journalisti, 2017, 2017

Liberation, 2017

Helsingin Sanomat, 2016

Le Monde, 2016

Meduza, 2016

The Alpine Review, 2016

Birdinflight, 2016

Details Magazine, 2015

The New Yorker, 2015

Le Monde, 2015

The New York Times, 2014

VICE, 2014

Ogonek, 2013

The New Times, 2013

The Times, 2011

Focus magazine, 2011

Tizhden magazine, 2010

Focus magazine, 2010

Tizhden magazine, 2010

Tizhden magazine, 2010

Tizhden magazine, 2010

Kommentariy newspaper, 2009-2010

Weekly.Ua magazine, 2009