We all live in communities. The Round Table is a six-meter long rectangular table built up from old wooden fences and doors and designed to serve as a place for future celebrations and the round table discussions. Recycle pieces come together from different origins and refer to the concept of community, collective memory, history of the place and its traditions. Inspired by patchwork philosophy the collage points to the transformative function of art and reminds us about the relationship of a traditional village table to community activities, collaboration, support and care.

Around 20,000 communities in rural Russia are now entirely abandoned, and 36,000 others have fewer than 10 residents each. The Round table attracts attention to contemporary coexistence in communities and ‘the global village’, altered by transnational commerce, migration, and culture.

Installation view, Uchma village, Russia, 2019
Public Art. Wood, acrylic paint, parts of old wooden houses and fences
Installation by Arthur Bondar & Oksana Yushko